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Friday, 3 July 2009,Friday, July 03, 2009

Haha. didnt manage to post yesterday. (:
had some funny talk yesterday. haha!
cool. big fish, small fish, big sotong, small sotong. :DD
just wana to test our fan yi got how fast. haha!
only got 1 period of POA and 2 chinese. well, yesterday wasted 2 period of chemistry. dam!
i rather want chemistry den chinese laa. :x
having night co yesterday. meet up with sheila and hui ching for dinner. && saw aitheng, xiaorui, mooxin at there. ate together! haha! aitheng so yellow lo. ><
ya, i agree abit that the prata is bitter. LOL!
while waiting for the door to open, xuankai we all group together and talk. omg! its funny. i remember i laugh until my tears come out! imagine how funny it is! :DDD hahaha! practice from 7.40 to 9.30 & den HSH. (: lalaas. lesson for today was fine. (: just that mr neo didnt come again. slack for that lesson. msg msg msg. haha. went to shen siong after school with tmm! :DD after buy things from there went back to jp find ying and xq. HSH at 3.30? i think. && tmm came my house. ahh, my house so bored ah? sorry eh. (: alright! going to have fun tml! i hope it was fun laaa. :DDD
ok, shall be going! BYE.
